Is Your Business Winter Ready?
11/25/2021 (Permalink)

As the nights become longer and the days become colder, we must be prepared for the challenges we face during the winter months. Often we don't think about what steps we should take to ensure that our business stays safe.
Cold Temperatures, Colder Pipes
Just like your home during the winter, the pipes can freeze and burst if it's not immediately addressed. This happens overnight when everyone leaves, and the heat isn't left on most of the time. We suggest keeping the heat on to ensure the pipes stay warm enough so water doesn't freeze.
Personal Space Heaters
Employees will frequently decorate their offices for the holiday season. Still, the first sign of the season is when employees bring in their own personal space heaters. This becomes problematic as they are often placed in areas that aren't the best. When you mix space heaters and office holiday decorations, you're left with perfect conditions for a fire. To combat office fires, you, the business owner, should send out a document to all employees containing your requirements for using space heaters. This allows no grey areas on what is safe and not safe.
December: Peak Time for Candle Fires
According to the National Fire Protection Association, December is the peak time for candle fires. People want to have their office smell like their favorite seasonal fragrance, which can become a problem when they aren't blown out. We suggest that if you're going to have a candle in your office, you purchase a candle warmer.