Staying Safe in the Tornado Shelter!
12/13/2021 (Permalink)

Witnessing a tornado is very nerve-wracking for anyone to live through; in fact, many homeowners aren’t prepared for a tornado to strike. You will want to continue reading to ensure your home is ready for mother nature to hit.
Being Prepared for Whatever Happens.
This is a step that one should take before a tornado strikes, as this will help keep you alive if a tornado hits. It would be best to have fresh batteries and a battery-operated radio to listen to the emergency weather service alert. Draft up a tornado plan that includes where you and your family will take shelter as the storm passes. You should keep a kit that provides water, canned foods, and medications to ensure that your family is safe if you get stuck.
Pay Close Attention to Development Outside
Often, people will go outside during a storm to storm watch. This is okay if you are safe, but you should seek shelter as soon as you notice the sky turning into a dark or green color or a low dark hanging cloud. If you hear a loud sound like a freight train, you should immediately seek shelter.
Know Where Shelter is Located
Tornadoes are notorious for flinging debris, the leading cause of deaths or injuries during a tornado. Knowing where your tornado shelter will be critical when it comes to keeping your family safe. You will want to have yourself in an area free of windows due to the glass shattering, which can cause damage to yourself. Finding a place like under a workbench or a table will help keep your head protected if the house were to collapse. The most critical safety tip would never be staying in a mobile home during tornado conditions.